at the workplace

The Many Ways Technology Reshaped the Workforce

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In recent years, technology has exponentially impacted the way we go about our lives. We communicate through phones. We can pay the bills and transact with banks through apps. In businesses, technology streamlined processes and expedited operations. Gone are the days when companies need to do an enormous amount of paperwork or spend money to get to meetings, seminars, and conferences. Technology made it possible for companies to operate with as little workforce as possible.

Just think about how people from across the world can work for American companies and vice-versa. There’s no need for a work visa if a person wants to work for an offshore organization. Many businesses have realized the potentials and benefits of outsourcing, leading to one of the most revolutionary things to happen in the workforce: reduced operational expenses owing to the employment of offshore workers.


Perhaps, the most impacted by technology in business is communication. Whereas before employees used landlines and VoIP phones to connect to clients and suppliers, this has been made easier by the arrival of smartphones, messaging apps, and social networking sites. Technology brought business communication to a whole new level. It is now instantaneous, unified, collaborative, and deliberate.

Employees and bosses can communicate through various channels even if they aren’t in the same building or the same country. There is no excuse for suppliers and clients to ignore your calls or messages. You can reach out to everyone, regardless of where they are.

Speed and Efficiency

Workers are more productive now because of technology. Aside from being able to communicate effectively, they also have machines, tools, and devices that help lighten their tasks. In the manufacturing industry, workers don’t need to do manual work because of the modern processes now available to them. What used to take hours to make now only needs a few minutes. If it took hours to produce 100 loaves of bread before, it now takes minutes to produce more than that.

Organization and Collaboration

It is easier to deliver tasks on time today. Systems like project management software help the collaborative efforts of the whole team. This software allows for the delegating, building, reviewing, and assessing of tasks. This is just one aspect of the organization of a team. Cloud software and other data management software help keep an office free from paper clutter. This improves the quality of work that each employee can do. They don’t waste their time looking for documents and contracts. Everything is digitalized.

Office Culture

Technology pushed the boundaries of office culture, too. Cubicles are long gone. In its stead is an open-floor layout that boosts collaboration and productivity. Why is this possible? Because employees are allowed to work outside the traditional office if they feel that space isn’t right for them. That’s okay because they can continue communicating and accessing documents from wherever they may be.

The birth of co-working spaces is seen as another effect of technology. Co-working spaces are used by freelancers so they can feel like they are in a real office setting. These are for people with no designated working place but need the vibe of a professional environment.

woman workingMultiple Clients

The advent of technology also allowed workers to work for as many clients as they can at the same time. Freelancers can work for two companies because their time is flexible. They can take on project-based work wherein the contract expires as soon as the project is done. Called gig economy, this type of freelancing is so popular that experts believe 40% of the workforce will be engaged in it this year.


Online stores are prevalent now more than ever because of the many payment options available to consumers. You can pay with credit or debit cards, mobile wallets, wire transfers, and many more. Some e-commerce stores even accept the controversial Bitcoins as payment. With so many payment methods available, consumers turned to online retail rather than shopping in brick-and-mortar stores.


Technology provides end-to-end hardware and software security measures for businesses. It encrypts data using a variety of programs and tools. In an organization, only authorized personnel will be allowed to access and retrieve official documents. And every time these documents are accessed, the individuals will leave a mark through fingerprints and facial recognition features. It’s a level of security previously seen only in Hollywood films.

Technology isn’t perfect. If anything, it also presented many problems to businesses and the workforce. Some said workers are easily distracted now because of social media. And yet when you look at the level of productivity that the workforce shows now, technology has all the upper hand.

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