Beautiful holiday decorated room with Christmas tree with presents under it

5 Easy-To-Craft Extravagant Christmas Decor Ideas

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Christmas doesn’t happen all year round, so why not make it extra special when you can? If your budget allows, going the extra mile and changing your Christmas decoration game is nothing but exciting. It may be time-consuming, not to mention exhausting, to install all these lights and hang all the decors. But strenuous tasks like installing holiday lights in Utah can be done with the help of a professional.

Considering that, there are countless articles and galleries suggesting tons of Christmas decor ideas, but here five of them:

1. Going big on Greenery

Garlands, wreaths, and trees; even the plants and shrubs in your garden can be adorned. Adding shimmering pine cones, glittering orbs, artificial flowers, berry sprigs, ribbons, and of course, lights will turn your greenery into a heavenly sight. You can also turn it into a snowy one by applying white spray paint all over it. Being generous on the glitters will make your winter greenery sparkle beautifully. Lay these garlands all around your porch or balcony, hang the wreaths on your doors, and decorate your mantel with more garlands as well.

2. Oversize Ornaments

You can either buy or create your own holiday ornaments. Giant ornaments are perfect for the exterior of your home. They usually come in the form of Christmas balls, gifts, and many others. Crafting these giant ornaments is also a good way to recycle since the materials you’ll need are usually scraps of used paper, metal, cartons, and plastic. Light them up by placing the bulbs inside the ornament for a dramatic glow.

3. Build a Green Snowman

This “snowman” isn’t made of snow, but of wreaths. Of course, this will never melt, so you’d be able to display it many times. You’re going to need three extra different sized (small, medium, and large) wreaths and wood to support it. Placing the snowman on a yard with sturdy soil is advisable because it will make a steadier base for the lumber supporting the wreaths. Make it stand out by placing it against a contrasting background.

4. Upgrade Your Lanterns

Christmas Room Interior Design with plenty of lights

Adding sophisticated lanterns to your pathways will make your Christmas feel even more festive. Take advantage of the winter by making ice lanterns. You’d only need plastic containers, candles, plastic cups, and of course, water. In the plastic container, place a plastic cup in the center and then fill both with water.

Allow it to freeze overnight, and then take off the plastic container and cup from the ice. Place it wherever you desire and put the candle in the center of the lantern. The cracks on the ice will look beautiful when reflected with candlelight. You can also create a little Christmas village with lanterns. Illuminate several zinc lanterns with copper string lights to make an illusion of a beautiful, old village.

5. Lastly, Pile Up on Lights

The spirit of the holidays isn’t complete without the bright lights. An extravagant display of lights shouldn’t only be limited to skyscrapers, malls, and other commercial establishments. Your home will be just as beautiful with over-the-top display lights. Take inspiration from other people who have done the same. Light up the whole garden, exterior walls, etc. Do the same for your wreaths, trees, and garlands, too. Opting for lights with clear strings will make it look more natural-looking. Piling up on more lights like an LED birch tree, decorative string lights, laser lights, etc., are all brilliant ideas.

With all of these great ideas in mind, take the time to prepare for your holiday-decorating mission. It’s a good way to put your creativity to the test. Going outside the norm of Christmas decorating is immensely satisfying, so don’t stop going beyond the limits of your artistic capabilities.

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