Back pain

What to Do After a Back Injury at Work

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Back pains and injuries require some of the most expensive medical treatments in America. According to a study done by the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center, individuals with spinal injury may have to pay an average lifetime cost of at least a million dollars just for minor injuries and limited impairment. On the other hand, the average lifetime cost for victims who sustain paralyzing injuries can reach up to $4 million.

Back injuries are often caused by auto accidents, sports, splits and falls, and workplace incidents. If your back has been injured while you’re at work or due to recurring incidents on the job, you may receive compensation from your employer.

Causes of back injuries in the workplace

Back injuries tend to occur in physically demanding jobs that involve pulling, pushing, and heavy lifting. When these actions are performed on a regular basis, the spine may twist or overextend. Ligaments may tear and lead to extreme pain and discomfort.

Desk jobs that require you to sit for prolonged periods can cause poor posture and back pain, too.

Back muscles enable you to perform heavy-duty tasks. Just like other muscles, they’re also prone to sprains, fractures, tears, and overextension. These injuries are often painful and require extended treatment and recovery periods.

Similarly, damaging your spinal cord can have fatal consequences. Your spinal cord consists of nerve endings that transmit signals from the brain to the body and vice versa. A spinal cord injury will not only cause severe pain, but may also result in paralysis or even death. Get in touch with a spinal cord injury lawyer as soon as possible to ensure you and your family receive just remuneration.

Treatment options

Back therapy

Treatment for back pain depends on the severity of your condition. It can be as simple as applying hot and cold compresses to having full-blown surgery.

Your physician may recommend narcotic painkillers and physical therapy to alleviate the pain. Other methods include massage, chiropractic care, whirlpools, and ultrasound therapy.

The length of recovery varies for each person. While you may be tempted to get back to work as soon as possible, failing to follow your doctor’s orders may further delay your recovery.

What to do if you’re injured while on the job

A back injury can make you eligible for workers’ compensation benefits. These cover your medical bills and up to two-thirds of your lost wages.

If you’re a victim of a sudden back injury, get immediate medical treatment. Insurance companies may take advantage of any delay in seeking medical help to deny your claim. They may even twist the story to make it look like the injury didn’t happen in the workplace.

Employers are legally bound to ensure employee safety in the workplace. As such, report your injury to your employer immediately and in detail. If you’re seriously injured and hospitalized, have your family seek legal help as soon as possible. Your lawyer will be responsible for gathering adequate evidence that can help you obtain just compensation.

Back injuries can cause enormous stress for both the victim and their loved ones. Sometimes, it can even lead to permanent disabilities that could prevent an individual from working again. That said, employers must take concrete actions to keep the workplace free from life-threatening conditions.

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