online presence 101 concept

Tools That Will Prove Essential When Creating Buyer Personas

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Though every business now understands the essence of a website and a strong online presence, few are getting the profits guaranteed in their online marketing. Millions of articles have been written on how you can maximize the returns from your digital marketing campaigns. Most will focus on getting the traffic to your site and even give you guidelines on the same. Optimizing your websites and social media platforms for search is the buzz word for all companies with an online presence.

While this might seem easy enough for your marketing department, an SEO company in Miami FL will go beyond simply optimizing your content for search and getting people to your site. The experts in this company will also focus on the experience people have on the site and how this influences them to take specific desired actions. They will, therefore, kick start your digital marketing by creating buyer personas. There are fictional representations of your target audience along with their characteristics, challenges and interests. With the right persona, they can customize your content and website design to attract and retain the right clients. The following are some of the tools they will use when creating your buyer personas.

Social Listening

You cannot have a clear picture of your target audience without listening to them. While you can ask for their views on what they want, following them discreetly allows you to get an unbiased opinion. Several online social listening tools will allow you to get an insight into various characteristics among your target market. They will enable you to find then filter the conversations relevant to your business using keywords, hashtags and more to keep you in the loop about what people are looking for in their products.

Analytic Tools

google analytics tool

You can also use analytic tools that section your market according to their demographics and behaviors into different groups to get an insight into what they are looking for. Google Analytics and Facebook Analytics are the standard tools used for this venture. With a clear comparison of different market makeups, you can also identify new personas that you can reach out to.

Customer Buying Patterns

You can also track the purchase history of your existing clients. Check what has pushed them into making a decision and the highest converting pages on your website. With this information, you will be in a good position to assess what is working, pages that will need some change and the content that is best left out for your site.

Business Goals and Values

Most companies forget what they stand for in their pursuit of customers online. Ensure your website and all marketing platforms communicate your company’s goals and values in the shortest possible time to clients. You can, for instance, have a green background if your business value is hinged on eco-conservation.

Getting traffic to your site is essential, but you need to actualize returns from this traffic. You cannot attract everyone on your website and be happy with your high search engine position with no tangible gains. The above tools when used for creating your buyer personas enable you to attract the highest number of clients who are most likely to convert.

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