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Money Talk: Managing Your Personal Finance

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Adulthood is more than just a transitory phase. It’s a stage of life that requires full commitment and assumption of responsibility. Needless to say, when you become an adult, you’ll face more problems and have more obligations. Accordingly, to maneuver through life as an adult, it’s necessary that you make essential lifestyle changes. One particular example is developing smarter and wiser money management.

By handling your finances well, you can safely dodge troubles that can be financially crippling and worse, can have legal grounds. Below, we’ll enumerate some monetary issues that you must avoid at all cost.

Payment Penalties

To survive, you need to make use of many resources, and these sadly don’t come for free. In addition to common bills like rent (or mortgage if you bought a property), electricity, phone, water, and Internet service, you also must allocate some budget for repair and maintenance of mechanisms in your residential space.

When you fail to pay the monthly amortization for your home, you can face penalties. Some landlords also penalize tenants who don’t pay on time. Plus, if you miss some bill payments, you can end up not having a supply of water and electricity. Of course, you wouldn’t want that, would you?

Piles of Credit Card Debt

Advertisements are effective in misleading consumers and pushing them to develop a mentality of commercialism. Moreover, if you live in a shopping district or city like Salt Lake, New York, and Los Angeles, it can be hard indeed to stop yourself from buying new things.

Having a credit card also make purchases convenient. However, not being able to notice how actual cash is dissipating with every shopping spree can fool you into going way beyond your financial capacity. It’s therefore highly indispensable to pay credit bills on time, so they won’t accumulate into shocking heaps of debt when payment is regularly postponed.


in debt

The word itself sounds drastic and heavy already. Bankruptcy pertains to a legal process that allows an individual or business entity to be forgiven of debts that cannot be paid. This is done by providing creditors with a chance to acquire at least some portions of repayment based on the debtor’s assets that can be liquidated.

If you get buried deep in debt, a means test can tell when you’re eligible for filing for Chapter 7, which is reportedly the simplest bankruptcy form. To file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you must consult an attorney who will be charging you with a not-so-small amount in exchange for legal services. If you want to avoid this, be responsible with your spending.

Property Repossessions

Repossession can be voluntary and involuntary. In general, it’s a seller’s legal action of retaking of a property when a buyer is incapable of paying for it.

As implied by the terms, a voluntary repossession happens when the buyer returns an item willingly while an involuntary repossession occurs when the property is taken back by the seller, regardless of the buyer’s decision. To avoid property repossession, always pay your credits dutifully and don’t buy things you can’t afford.

An efficient money management system allows you to be saved from such hassles. If you prefer to have professional guidance, consult a finance expert.

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